Review: Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)

In a previous cover story I wrote about Woody Allen’s career I mentioned how Allen’s films had gotten me through a post-collegiate quarter-life crisis. Artsy intellectuals struggling to find meaning in their work and personal relationships was something that resounded with me at the time, in a big way. I needed cinematic reassurance that I was… Read More Review: Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)

Review: From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

Remember in the 90s when nosferatu were scary and menacing, before Twilight (2008) and The Vampire Diaries (2009)? Works of art like Coppola’s Dracula (1992) paid tribute to the gothic tradition of 1930s Universal monster movies. Bloodthirsty creatures of the night weren’t played out yet on every media platform. This was an era when hardcore fans kept… Read More Review: From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

Review: Twelve Monkeys (1995)

In cinematic circles there has long been a tradition of appropriating, re-imagining and expanding on the work of revered French essayist, Chris Marker. His influence is such that ripples of his identity still appear throughout contemporary science fiction, documentary, drama, and romance cinema, regardless of whether or not the director or writer intended them to.… Read More Review: Twelve Monkeys (1995)